Results for 'Inci Yilmazli Trout'

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  1. The need to be unique and the innovative behavior: The moderating role of supervisor support.Mustafa Bekmezci, Wasim Ul Rehman, Muzammil Khurshid, Kemal Eroğluer & Inci Yilmazli Trout - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effect of supervisor support on the relationship between the need to be unique and the innovative behavior. People not only strive to belong to a group but also want to be unique from others and feel exceptional. Individuals’ innovative behavior is one of the things that makes them feel different from other people. Because developing a new idea, supporting this idea, putting this idea into practice, and the positive achievements of (...)
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    Section 1 The Philosophy of Physics JD Trout.J. D. Trout - 1991 - In Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper & J. D. Trout (eds.), The Philosophy of Science. MIT Press. pp. 463.
  3.  23
    Measuring the Intentional World: Realism, Naturalism, and Quantitative Methods in the Behavioral Sciences.J. D. Trout - 1998 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Scientific realism has been advanced as an interpretation of the natural sciences but never the behavioral sciences. This book introduces a novel version of scientific realism, Measured Realism, that characterizes the kind of theoretical progress in the social and psychological sciences that is uneven but indisputable. It proposes a theory of measurement, Population-Guided Estimation, that connects natural, psychological, and social scientific inquiry. Presenting quantitative methods in the behavioral sciences as at once successful and regulated by the world, the book will (...)
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  4. The psychology of scientific explanation.J. D. Trout - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (3):564–591.
    Philosophers agree that scientific explanations aim to produce understanding, and that good ones succeed in this aim. But few seriously consider what understanding is, or what the cues are when we have it. If it is a psychological state or process, describing its specific nature is the job of psychological theorizing. This article examines the role of understanding in scientific explanation. It warns that the seductive, phenomenological sense of understanding is often, but mistakenly, viewed as a cue of genuine understanding. (...)
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  5. Paying the Price for a Theory of Explanation: De Regt’s Discussion of Trout.J. D. Trout - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (1):198-208.
  6. Scientific explanation and the sense of understanding.J. D. Trout - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (2):212-233.
    Scientists and laypeople alike use the sense of understanding that an explanation conveys as a cue to good or correct explanation. Although the occurrence of this sense or feeling of understanding is neither necessary nor sufficient for good explanation, it does drive judgments of the plausibility and, ultimately, the acceptability, of an explanation. This paper presents evidence that the sense of understanding is in part the routine consequence of two well-documented biases in cognitive psychology: overconfidence and hindsight. In light of (...)
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  7. The effect of action on perceptual feature binding.Inci Ayhan, Melisa Kurtcan & Lucas Thorpe - 2020 - Vision Research 177:97-108.
    Color-motion asynchrony (CMA) refers to an apparent lag of direction of motion when a dynamic stimulus changes both color and direction at the same time. The subjective order of simultaneous events, however, is not only perceptual but also subject to illusions during voluntary actions. Self-initiated actions, for example, seem to precede their sensory outcomes following an adaptation to a delay between the action and the sensory feedback. Here, we demonstrate that the extent of the apparent asynchrony can be substantially reduced (...)
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  8. Epistemology and the Psychology of Human Judgment.Michael A. Bishop & J. D. Trout - 2004 - New York: OUP USA. Edited by J. D. Trout.
    Bishop and Trout here present a unique and provocative new approach to epistemology. Their approach aims to liberate epistemology from the scholastic debates of standard analytic epistemology, and treat it as a branch of the philosophy of science. The approach is novel in its use of cost-benefit analysis to guide people facing real reasoning problems and in its framework for resolving normative disputes in psychology. Based on empirical data, Bishop and Trout show how people can improve their reasoning (...)
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    Symposium on Byzantine MedicineJohn Scarborough.Inci Bowman - 1987 - Isis 78 (1):126-126.
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    The Reflection Of Cultural Heritage Of Ottoman Empire To Everyday Life As A Popular Cultural Product.Zaliha Inci Karabacak - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:299-305.
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    Yerel Dokusunu Yitirmekte Olan Bir Kent.Zaliha Inci Karabacak - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 5):345-355.
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    Süreli Yayınlar ve Kurumsal Yapılar Üzerinden Ortodoks Teoloji Literatürüne Dair Bir Deneme.Salih İNCİ - 2019 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 5 (2):993-1013.
    Ortodoksluk mezhebi Hıristiyanlığın en kadim geleneklerinden birisi olmasına rağmen günümüzde diğerlerine göre daha az tanınmaktadır. Mezhebin en önemli Kiliselerinden birisi de İstanbul Kilisesi’dir. Bu makalenin amacı Hıristiyan Ortodoks teoloji çalışmalarına dair İstanbul’daki Kilise çevresinde oluşan XIX. ve XX. Yüzyıldaki Yunanca literatür hakkında kısa bilgi vermektir. Bu literatür, süreli yayınlar ve Patrikhanenin kurumsal yapıları olarak iki açıdan ele alınacaktır. Literatür bağlamında bir dönem doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak Patrikhane tarafından yayınlanan dergiler şunlardır: Ekklisiastiki Alithia, Ortodoksia, The Greek Orthodox Theological Review. Bunlara (...)
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    Wondrous Truths: The Improbable Rise of Modern Science.J. D. Trout - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    Wondrous Truths answers two questions about the steep rise of theoretical discoveries around 1600: Why in the European West? And why so quickly? The history of science's awkward assortment of accident and luck, geography and personal idiosyncrasy, explains scientific progress alongside experimental method. J.D. Trout's blend of scientific realism and epistemic naturalism carries us through neuroscience, psychology, history, and policy, and explains how the corpuscular hunch of Boyle and Newton caught on.
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  14. Robustness and integrative survival in significance testing: The world's contribution to rationality.J. D. Trout - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (1):1-15.
    Significance testing is the primary method for establishing causal relationships in psychology. Meehl [1978, 1990a, 1990b] and Faust [1984] argue that significance tests and their interpretation are subject to actuarial and psychological biases, making continued adherence to these practices irrational, and even partially responsible for the slow progress of the ‘soft’ areas of psychology. I contend that familiar standards of testing and literature review, along with recently developed meta-analytic techniques, are able to correct the proposed actuarial and psychological biases. In (...)
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    The biological basis of speech: What to infer from talking to the animals.J. D. Trout - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (3):523-549.
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  16. A restriction maybe, but is it paternalism? Cognitive bias and choosing governmental decision aids.J. D. Trout - manuscript
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    Metaphysics, method, and the mouth: Philosophical lessons of speech perception.J. D. Trout - 2001 - Philosophical Psychology 14 (3):261-291.
    This paper advances a novel argument that speech perception is a complex system best understood nonindividualistically and therefore that individualism fails as a general philosophical program for understanding cognition. The argument proceeds in four steps. First, I describe a "replaceability strategy", commonly deployed by individualists, in which one imagines replacing an object with an appropriate surrogate. This strategy conveys the appearance that relata can be substituted without changing the laws that hold within the domain. Second, I advance a "counterfactual test" (...)
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    İlk Dönem Tasavvufi Tefsir Anlayışında Allah Korkusu (Tüsterî-Sülemî-Kuşeyrî Örneği).Nevzat İnci & Eyüp Yaka - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (1):123-151.
    Tüsterî (ö. 283/896), Sülemî (ö. 412/1021) ve Kuşeyrî (ö. 465/1072) ilk dönem tasavvufî tefsir açısından önemli müfessirlerdir. Tüsterî ve Sülemî tefsirleri Kur’ân’ı baştan sona tefsir eden sistemli eserler değildir. Ancak yapılan yorumların çoğunlukla rivayet tefsiri niteliği taşımalarının yanında ilk dönem tasavvuf ehlinin görüşlerini esas almaları bu tefsirleri önemli kılmaktadır. Kuşeyrî tefsirinin ise Tüsterî ve Sülemî tefsirlerine göre daha sistemli olmasının yanında bazı âyetler dışında Kur’ân’ı baştan sona tefsir eden ilk tasavvufî tefsir olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada her üç müfessirin Allah korkusu (...)
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    Anasınıfı Ve İlkokul Birinci Sınıfa Devam Eden Çocukların Sosyal Beceri Gelişimlerinin İncelenmesi.Mehmet Akif İNCİ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 3):545-545.
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    7-10 Yaş Grubu Çocukların Şiddet Algılarının Resimler Aracılığı İle Sosyal Güçler Bağlamında İncelen.Mehmet Akif İNCİ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 15):503-503.
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  21. Religious Behavior.David M. Trout - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41:430.
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    Theory-conjunction and mercenary reliance.J. D. Trout - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (2):231-245.
    Scientific realists contend that theory-conjunction presents a problem for empiricist conceptions of scientific knowledge and practice. Van Fraassen (1980) has offered a competing account of theory-conjunction which I argue fails to capture the mercenary character of epistemic dependence in science. Representative cases of theory-conjunction developed in the present paper show that mercenary reliance implies a "principle of epistemic symmetry" which only a realist can consistently accommodate. Finally, because the practice in question involves the conjunction of theories, a version of realism (...)
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    The Psychology of Discounting: A Policy of Balancing Biases.J. D. Trout - 2007 - Public Affairs Quarterly 21 (2):201-220.
  24. Measured realism and statistical inference: An explanation for the fast progress of "hard" psychology.J. D. Trout - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):272.
    The use of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) in psychology has been under sustained attack, despite its reliable use in the notably successful, so-called "hard" areas of psychology, such as perception and cognition. I argue that, in contrast to merely methodological analyses of hypothesis testing (in terms of "test severity," or other confirmation-theoretic notions), only a patently metaphysical position can adequately capture the uneven but undeniable successes of theories in "hard psychology." I contend that Measured Realism satisfies this description, and (...)
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  25. Belief attribution in science: Folk psychology under theoretical stress.J. D. Trout - 1991 - Synthese 87 (June):379-400.
    Some eliminativists have predicted that a developed neuroscience will eradicate the principles and theoretical kinds (belief, desire, etc.) implicit in our ordinary practices of mental state attribution. Prevailing defenses of common-sense psychology infer its basic integrity from its familiarity and instrumental success in everyday social commerce. Such common-sense defenses charge that eliminativist arguments are self-defeating in their folk psychological appeal to the belief that eliminativism is true. I argue that eliminativism is untouched by this simple charge of inconsistency, and introduce (...)
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    Forced to be Right.J. D. Trout - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):303-304.
    In “Forced to be Free”, Neil Levy surveys the raft of documented decision-making biases that humans are heir to, and advances several bold proposals designed to enhance the patient's judgment. Gratefully, Levy is moved by the psychological research on judgment and decision-making that documents people's inaccuracy when identifying courses of action will best promote their subjective well-being. But Levy is quick to favour the patient's present preferences, to ensure they get “final say” about their treatment. I urge the opposite inclination, (...)
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    Confirmation, Paradoxes of.J. D. Trout - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith (ed.), A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 53–55.
    The confirmation of scientific hypotheses has a quantitative and qualitative aspect. No empirical hypothesis can be confirmed conclusively, so philosophers of science have used the theory of probability to elucidate the quantitative component, which determines a degree of confirmation ‐ that is, the extent to which the hypothesis is supported by the evidence (see probability and evidence and confirmation). By contrast, the qualitative feature of confirmation concerns the prior question of the nature of the relation between the hypothesis and the (...)
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    Austere Realism and the Worldly Assumptions of Inferential Statistics.J. D. Trout - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:190 - 199.
    Inferential statistical tests-such as analysis of variance, t-tests, chi-square and Wilcoxin signed ranks-now constitute a principal class of methods for the testing of scientific hypotheses. In this paper I will consider the role of one statistical concept (statistical power) and two statistical principles or assumptions (homogeneity of variance and the independence of random error), in the reliable application of selected statistical methods. I defend a tacit but widely-deployed naturalistic principle of explanation (E): Philosophers should not treat as inexplicable or basic (...)
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    Extracting Epistemic Lessons from Ameliorative Psychology.J. D. Trout & Michael A. Bishop - 2004 - In Michael A. Bishop & J. D. Trout (eds.), Epistemology and the Psychology of Human Judgment. New York: OUP USA.
    This chapter introduces the three central features of the epistemological framework that guides the prescriptions of Ameliorative Psychology. It is argued that this framework offers a new way to think about applied epistemology. In particular, it suggests that there are four and only four ways for people to improve their reasoning.
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    Laying Our Cards on the Table.J. D. Trout & Michael A. Bishop - 2004 - In Michael A. Bishop & J. D. Trout (eds.), Epistemology and the Psychology of Human Judgment. New York: OUP USA.
    This chapter begins by giving two reasons as to why epistemology is important: epistemology guides reasoning, and people don't fully appreciate the risks and dangers of poor reasoning the importance of epistemology. It then introduces the basic motives and methods of the epistemology developed in the book. Topics covered include the standard analytic approach to epistemology, the philosophy of science approach to epistemology, the theories generated by the two approaches, and whether scientific investigation into normative epistemology possible.
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  31. Las patologías de la epistemología analítica estándar.por Michael Bishop Y. J. D. Trout - 2017 - In Alfonso Ávila del Palacio, Jonatan García Campos, M. Segura & Luis Felipe (eds.), Objetivismo, realismo y psicologismo en la filosofía y las ciencias. Ciudad de México, México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Consejo Editorial de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
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    Putting Epistemology into Practice: Normative Disputes in Psychology.J. D. Trout & Michael A. Bishop - 2004 - In Michael A. Bishop & J. D. Trout (eds.), Epistemology and the Psychology of Human Judgment. New York: OUP USA.
    This chapter uses Strategic Reliabilism to resolve two debates about whether certain experimental findings demonstrate deep and systematic failures of human reasoning. It illustrates one of the main benefits of the current approach to epistemology: it can be used to adjudicate disputes that arise in psychology that are, at bottom, normative epistemological disputes about the nature of good reasoning.
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  33. 50 Years of Successful Predictive Modeling Should Be Enough: Lessons for Philosophy of Science.Michael A. Bishop & J. D. Trout - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (S3):S197-S208.
    Our aim in this paper is to bring the woefully neglected literature on predictive modeling to bear on some central questions in the philosophy of science. The lesson of this literature is straightforward: For a very wide range of prediction problems, statistical prediction rules (SPRs), often rules that are very easy to implement, make predictions than are as reliable as, and typically more reliable than, human experts. We will argue that the success of SPRs forces us to reconsider our views (...)
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    Diagnostic Prediction and Prognosis.J. D. Trout & Michael A. Bishop - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Psychiatric diagnosis and prognosis is fraught with important philosophical and conceptual problems. This chapter focuses on some epistemological issues and moral issues that arise in contemporary psychiatric practice. It examines various clinical and actuarial techniques for psychiatric diagnosis, ordered very loosely in terms of how "structured" or "automated" they are. The chapter makes the case for assessing psychiatric treatments with controlled experiments, raises several epistemological dangers that arise from relying on uncontrolled investigations, and considers some of the unique methodological and (...)
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  35. Luck in science.J. D. Trout - 2019 - In Ian M. Church & Robert J. Hartman (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck. New York: Routledge.
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  36. The Philosophy of Science.Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper & J. D. Trout (eds.) - 1991 - MIT Press.
    The more than 40 readings in this anthology cover the most important developments of the past six decades, charting the rise and decline of logical positivism ...
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  37. Physicalism, supervenience, and dependence.P. Trout Moser - 1995 - In Elias E. Savellos & Ümit D. Yalçin (eds.), Supervenience: New Essays. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Paternalism and cognitive bias.J. D. Trout - 2004 - Law and Philosophy 24 (4):393-434.
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    Beauty and Revolution in Science.J. D. Trout - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (2):320.
    The role of aesthetic factors in science is often mentioned, but seldom discussed in a sustained and systematic way. This thoughtful book is James McAllister’s attempt to do so. McAllister’s treatment engages a broad range of issues, relating aesthetic criteria to such diverse issues as the history of astronomy and twentieth-century physics, theoretical ruptures, and architecture. Its core goals are two. One goal is to show that there is a role for aesthetic considerations in theory choice that is compatible with (...)
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  40. Understanding and Fluency.J. D. Trout - 2017 - In Stephen Robert Grimm (ed.), Making Sense of the World: New Essays on the Philosophy of Understanding. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
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    Patrik I. Bartholomeos, Sırla Yüz Yüze Günümüzün Gözüyle Ortodoksluğa Bakış, İstos Yayın, İstanbul, Haziran 2016, 284 s. [REVIEW]Salih İNCİ - 2019 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 5 (2):1419-1426.
    Bu çalışmada PATRİK I. BARTHOLOMEOS'un, Sırla Yüz Yüze Günümüzün Gözüyle Ortodoksluğa Bakış, adlı kitabı tanıtılmıştır. İstos Yayın, İstanbul, Haziran 2016, 284 s.
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  42. Philosophical messages in the medium of spoken language.Robert E. Remez & J. D. Trout - 2009 - In Matthew Nudds & Casey O'Callaghan (eds.), Sounds and Perception: New Philosophical Essays. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Measurement.J. D. Trout - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith (ed.), A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 265–276.
    Measurement ‐ a central epistemic activity in science ‐ relates a number and a quantity in an effort to estimate the magnitude of that quantity. A quantity is typically a property of a physical configuration, such as length or weight, and determines a function that applies to a domain or class of objects. At this high level of abstraction, the description of the purpose and relation of measurement is metaphysically neutral, leaving open the question of whether the domain is observable (...)
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  44. A canal-wallah in india.William E. Trout Iii - 1997 - In Santimay Chatterjee, M. K. Dasgupta & A. Ghosh (eds.), Studies in history of sciences. Calcutta: Asiatic Society.
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    All Talked Out: Naturalism and the Future of Philosophy.J. D. Trout - 2017 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oup Usa.
    All Talked Out is an exercise in applied philosophy. It is a study of what the examination of knowledge, explanation, and well-being would look like if freed from the peculiar tools and outlook of modern philosophy and handed over to scientists - or scientifically-trained philosophers - who had a reflective aim.
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    Attunement to the Invisible: Applying Paulo Freire's Problem-Posing Education to "Invisibility".Lara M. Trout - 2008 - The Pluralist 3 (3):63 - 78.
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    Can Justice as Fairness Accommodate Diversity?Lara M. Trout - 1994 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 1 (3):39-45.
    The purpose of this paper is to expose a problem of application in John Rawls’ theory of justice. An examination of his treatment of the application of his principles in A Theory of Justice reveals an insensitivity toward the proper representation of minorities and women. This problem, which is rooted in Rawls’ conception of the relevant social position is not properly addressed by him, yet is grounded in inconsistencies which undermine the just practical implementation of his theory. A provisional solution (...)
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    Section III: reductionism and the unity of science.J. D. Trout - 1991 - In Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper & J. D. Trout (eds.), The Philosophy of Science. MIT Press. pp. 387.
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  49. Scientific Realism.J. Trout - 1995 - In Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. New York City: Cambridge University Press.
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    Strategic Reliabilism: Epistemic Significance.J. D. Trout & Michael A. Bishop - 2004 - In Michael A. Bishop & J. D. Trout (eds.), Epistemology and the Psychology of Human Judgment. New York: OUP USA.
    This chapter offers a framework for understanding significance that tolerates our incomplete knowledge of the conditions for human well-being. Topics discussed include the role of significance in Strategic Reliabilism, a reason-based approach to significance, and the potential unavailability of objective reasons. It is argued that a proper understanding of the notion of epistemic significance is a core problem for any epistemological theory that claims to be able to guide reason, and that any epistemological view that gives a central place to (...)
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